Alberta Racism

ABracism overview

This is the homepage for the Google Groups Email Discussion List on Alberta, racism, discrimination and other social issues we need to address. To join the email discussion list, click here.

As part of the Reboot Alberta network, we want to imagine a future where racism no longer exists in Alberta.

Hate crimes, racism, discrimination, and other social issues are increasing in Alberta. We need to identify these crimes and explore ways we can reduce them. We need to bring together a group of people who want to actively make a difference. Numerous people pulling in the same direction will have a much greater chance of success. One or two voices, is easy to ignore.

Part of the problem stems from the rising current of ideologies of the extreme right, and the white supremacy that many feels, is practised by the United Progress Conservative Party and Premier of Alberta, Jason Kenney. Whether it's true or not, it certainly seems to be following in the footsteps of former Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, and compounded by the past President of the United States, who even went so far as to mock someone's disability.

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