Accelerating Climate Impacts Setting Off Alarm Bells Worldwide

One thought on “Accelerating Climate Impacts Setting Off Alarm Bells Worldwide

  1. Steve Post author

    Freeze the thawing permafrost to drill more oil

    Houston-based energy giant plans to produce 590 million barrels of oil from a massive drilling project in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve. But climate change is melting the ground in the reserve so fast that the company may be forced to use chilling devices to keep the ground beneath roads and drilling pads frozen.

    The world knows we are experiencing a climate crisis. The efforts to save the world by lowering emissions is a failure as long as more money is pumped into fossil fuel development, rather than restoring an environmental balance. Those with money, fuelling the fires, feel the need to create as much wealth as possible. It will protect them from the coming world disasters. They will be able to buy food and water as more resources are depleted. They will be able to afford homes with air-conditions that protect them from the extreme heatwaves.

    There’s a lot of us, who won’t be so lucky.


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