Conservatives lead as 2015 Liberal coalition splinters | Abacus Data
Last week, we completed a nationally representative survey of 4,015
Canadians and explored their views on Canadian politics to update our
regularly tracking.
Canadians and explored their views on Canadian politics to update our
regularly tracking.
Here is what we found:
One in three Canadians feels that the country is heading in the right
direction while 45% who say it is on the wrong track, unchanged from
March but a big downward shift from December.
Across the country, Quebecers are the most positive (43% right
direction) while Albertans remain the most unhappy (20% right
direction). But probably the most revealing finding under the surface of
this trend, is the fact that barely half (51%) of those who say they
voted Liberal in 2015 feel the country is headed in the right direction,
30% think it’s off on the right track while 19% are unsure.