Critics call Andrew Scheer’s climate plan a “sad joke”, “insincere” and “a prop”
The Globe and Mail: “It’s nothing more than a sad joke”
An opinion piece
by national affairs columnist Gary Mason asserts that the Conservative
climate “plan” is a fraud and decries Scheer’s motive to scrap the
national carbon tax.
“Climate change is the greatest threat the world has faced since the
rise of Nazism in the early part of the last century. Given the
importance of this issue, given the havoc that will be unleashed if
nothing is done, how depressing it is to realize that this sham of a
document is the best the Conservatives could do,” he wrote.
Clean Prosperity: “Andrew Scheer’s plan is going to cost Canadians more“
Progressive think tank Clean Prosperity published a press release
with a run-through of why Scheer’s climate plan misses the mark. “By
repealing the carbon tax, Andrew Scheer is taking away the best and
lowest cost way to fight climate change. It’s like trying to build a
house without a hammer,” said Michael Bernstein, Executive Director of
Canadians for Clean Prosperity.