Deleterious Substances in the Athabasca River is a Toxic Brew

One thought on “Deleterious Substances in the Athabasca River is a Toxic Brew

  1. Steve Post author

    The federal government needs to side with First Nations and not corporate polluters

    After a ten-year wait, an investigation by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation clearly validates the charge by Environmental Defence, The Natural Resources Defence Council and Daniel T’Seleie of the K’ahsho Got’ine Dene First Nation that Canada is failing to enforce the Fisheries Act, thus allowing toxic tailings ponds from oil sands operations to continue to pollute the Athabasca watershed.

    The federal government says it is preparing regulations that will allow treated tailings ponds water to be released into the Athabasca watershed. The fact that the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers has endorsed this approach, while the Keepers of the Athabasca has not, shows who matters more to the federal and Alberta governments. Instead of this dubious plan, the two governments should consult with First Nations and other Indigenous organizations to develop a full containment plan for oils sands tailings that doesn’t contaminate rivers and ecosystems.

    Read the rest of the article here


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