Goldman Sachs See Renewable Investment Surging While Fossils Pay Huge Risk Premium – The Energy Mix
Goldman Sachs said cleantech investment in the range of $1 to $2 trillion per year through 2030 would create 15 to 20 million jobs worldwide and “keep the world on track to avoid more than 2.0°C of warming,” reports, “although regulatory and policy changes are still necessary for this scenario to play out.”
The report said cleantech investment “has a major role to play in the upcoming economic recovery,” producing 1.5 to three times as many jobs as fossil fuels. That makes it a “strong example of pro-growth, pro-environment, public-private collaboration,” Goldman stated. By contrast, “financial conditions keep tightening for long-term hydrocarbon developments, creating higher barriers to entry, lower activity, and ultimately lower oil and gas supply in our view.”