Groups Pan ‘Farcical Attack’ in ‘Anti-Alberta Energy’ Commission Report – The Energy Mix:
Gray says the Allan inquiry should matter to Canadians as an “alarming
use” of government powers: it “attempts to marginalize and demonize”
groups working to protect citizens from climate and ecological harms,
and “equates ‘anti-Alberta energy campaigns’ with any efforts to
question fossil fuels”. It “declares any effort to protect lands,
forests, or wetlands from B.C. to Ontario as inherently anti-Alberta
energy because such protected lands might get in the way of pipeline
that oil and gas companies want to build”, ignores environmental groups’
collaborative work with the oil and gas industry, and wrongly implies
that community opposition to fossil fuel development is somehow unique
to Canada.
Groups Pan ‘Farcical Attack’ in ‘Anti-Alberta Energy’ Commission Report – The Energy Mix: Gray says the Allan inquiry should matter to Canadians as an “alarming
use” of government powers: it “attempts to marginalize and demonize”
groups working to protect citizens from climate and ecological harms,
and “equates ‘anti-Alberta energy campaigns’ with any efforts to
question fossil fuels”. It “declares any effort to protect lands,
forests, or wetlands from B.C. to Ontario as inherently anti-Alberta
energy because such protected lands might get in the way of pipeline
that oil and gas companies want to build”, ignores environmental groups’
collaborative work with the oil and gas industry, and wrongly implies
that community opposition to fossil fuel development is somehow unique
to Canada.Read More