Premier John Horgan and Washington State Governor Jay Inslee meet in Victoria — Photo by Province of BC — 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
“Right now, B.C. hands over a billion tax dollars a year to the oil and gas industry—that’s twice as much as we spend fighting climate change, and five times as much as we get back in royalties,” Dogwood B.C. states, in a sign-on asking supporters to contact their MLAs about fossil subsidies. “We’re paying rich companies to pollute, we’re getting ripped off in the process, and it’s got to stop.”
Dogwood adds that “the next B.C. government will guide our province through half of the remaining eight years we have left to avoid the most terrifying impacts of climate change. Step one for any MLA serious about climate action is to stop taxpayer handouts to fracking and pipeline companies, and invest that money in B.C.’s clean energy revolution.”
Source: Horgan Takes Fire for Boosting Fossil Subsidies as B.C. Election Nears [Sign-On] – The Energy Mix