Ontario Yours to Protect! – Zombie quarry stalks Burlington’s Escarpment – Environmental Defence: After having their application rejected in 2012 due to its risks to wildlife and the quantity and quality of the local water supply, Nelson Aggregates are again seeking approval to create two new open-pit mines in Burlington’s escarpment, betting the looser environmental rules now in place will allow it to move ahead.
They are also alarmed by the increasing heavy gravel truck traffic on the rural roads and the irritation caused by the dust and vibration associated with the blasting and the trucks used to haul the rock.
Additional concerns include the possibility of contaminated fill being added to Nelson Aggregate’s current quarry site and the threatening impact this could have on the future safety of drinking well water.
If the quarry goes ahead it will lead to the permanent destruction of 124 additional acres of prime farmland and green space in the increasingly urban GTHA. Promises of future restoration decades into the future do not offset the impacts of the destruction of these precious open spaces in Burlington’s backyard.
Ontario Yours to Protect! – Zombie quarry stalks Burlington’s Escarpment – Environmental Defence: After having their application rejected in 2012 due to its risks to wildlife and the quantity and quality of the local water supply, Nelson Aggregates are again seeking approval to create two new open-pit mines in Burlington’s escarpment, betting the looser environmental rules now in place will allow it to move ahead.They are also alarmed by the increasing heavy gravel truck traffic on the rural roads and the irritation caused by the dust and vibration associated with the blasting and the trucks used to haul the rock.Additional concerns include the possibility of contaminated fill being added to Nelson Aggregate’s current quarry site and the threatening impact this could have on the future safety of drinking well water.If the quarry goes ahead it will lead to the permanent destruction of 124 additional acres of prime farmland and green space in the increasingly urban GTHA. Promises of future restoration decades into the future do not offset the impacts of the destruction of these precious open spaces in Burlington’s backyard.Read More