[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw-NAOdxNe8?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=250&h=140]
Elizabeth May address Daughters of the Vote 2019
“What we need to talk about as women now in this place and I thank you for it- Oh! I almost forgot!
The member for Beloeil-Chambly, merci mille fois pour ton discours empassionné pour la question du changement climatique. C’est une vrai crise et elle a mentionné le travail de Greta Thunberg.
(thank you a thousand times for your passionate speech on the question of climate change. It is a real crisis and she mentioned the work of Greta Thunberg)
I hope you all know Greta Thunberg. Right now you people might think I’m a climate leader. There is no climate leader on this planet who could hold a candle to that 16 year old schoolgirl in Stockholm who’s not yet old enough to vote and who is leading a movement of millions.
I was last night at a UBC lecture with Bill McKibben, who founded 350.org, and he said; the problem with politics is, in relation to climate change, is generally what you want to do is find a compromise, if you start over here and over here and you find some place to land in the middle you should be ok. But he said the problem is that with climate change, there’s no room for compromise because what we’re really debating is humanity and physics. And in that, physics isn’t interested in us, there is no compromise, there’s only doing the right thing while we still have time.
Which means the election in 2023 is too late. Only the election in 2019 can deliver the climate policies that save us. Because getting to a good climate solution slowly is just another way of losing.
We need to save ourselves now. “