Lauren Dobson-Hughes: Are we actually a country?
line for global vaccine supply. But they told Canadians we should be
first in line (prompting other politicians to claim that we were in
fact, at the very back of the line, which seriously? Try being Mali and
get back to me).
Of all 198 countries in the world, Canada should be first in line for the single hottest global commodity? For the love of every single Timbit in the country, why?
it our oversized purchasing power? (We have none.) Our willingness to
pay far beyond market price? (We weren’t.) Because we are dominant as a
consumer of global pharmaceutical products? (We are not.) Or is it …
because we’re really nice and have this awfully outdated impression of
our importance on the global scene? (Bingo!) There is no rational
measure by which Canada ought to come first.