India is likely to be feted as the global leader on climate change at the
United Nations Climate Action Summit
in New York on Monday. India is one of a small handful of countries
whose policies are compatible with keeping global warming below two
degrees Celsius according to the
Climate Action Tracker (CAT), an independent science-based analysis of the CO2 emission commitments and actions of countries.
Overall, countries are failing miserably to meet the Paris climate
target of 1.5 degrees C. Without new efforts to cut emissions, the
planet will “likely to lead to a breaching of the 1.5 degree warming
limit by 2035, two degrees by 2053 and a total warming of 3.2 degrees by
the end of the century,” warned CAT in a special update
released this past Thursday. If current policies aren’t improved, the
CAT update said, there’s a 25 per cent chance of exceeding four degrees,
a level widely considered catastrophic.
“We are not just a little bit off track, we are way off track,” said
Niklas Höhne, partner at NewClimate Institute, a CAT partner.