The Climate Crisis Is a Crime That Should Be Prosecuted: Every person on Earth today is living in a crime scene.
This crime has been going on for decades. We see
its effects in the horrific heat and wildfires unfolding this summer in
the American west; in the mega-storms that were so numerous in 2020 that
scientists ran out of names for them; in the global projections that
sea levels are set to rise by at least 20ft. Our only hope is to slow this inexorable ascent so our children may figure out some way to cope.
This crime has displaced or killed untold numbers of people around
the world, caused countless billions of dollars in economic damage and
ravaged vital ecosystems and wildlife. It has disproportionately
affected already marginalized communities around the world, from farmers
in coastal Bangladesh, where the fast-rising seas are salting the soil
and slashing rice yields, to low-income residents of Houston, Chicago
and other cities, whose neighborhoods suffer higher temperatures than prosperous areas across town.
The Climate Crisis Is a Crime That Should Be Prosecuted: Every person on Earth today is living in a crime scene.This crime has been going on for decades. We see
its effects in the horrific heat and wildfires unfolding this summer in
the American west; in the mega-storms that were so numerous in 2020 that
scientists ran out of names for them; in the global projections that
sea levels are set to rise by at least 20ft. Our only hope is to slow this inexorable ascent so our children may figure out some way to cope.This crime has displaced or killed untold numbers of people around
the world, caused countless billions of dollars in economic damage and
ravaged vital ecosystems and wildlife. It has disproportionately
affected already marginalized communities around the world, from farmers
in coastal Bangladesh, where the fast-rising seas are salting the soil
and slashing rice yields, to low-income residents of Houston, Chicago
and other cities, whose neighborhoods suffer higher temperatures than prosperous areas across town.Read More